martes, 9 de junio de 2020

9th June

Good morning!!

How is your advertisement going?? I hope you are enjoying this activity. Ask me any question you have, please, I'm here to help you whenever you need.

Before anything, I remind you we have voluntary zoom today. Here you have the invitation and the timtable:
ID: 754 1569 0947
Password: 7BqW7D

10.30_ Abajo, Ana, Irene, Julia, Checa, Nico, Julieta, Rebeca
11.00_ Carmen, Leo, Mónica, Devesa, Fer, Sara, Garru, Ainhoa

11.30_ Lucía  Sergio, Álvaro, Alberto, Joel, Jaime, Emily, Diego, José Pablo

Today's song has been chosen by Julieta. I like the song, and also the video, I'm sure you'll like it too.

Then, I have some works I want you to see. Enjoy them!!!

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Julieta's mother recommended me this short film and I'm sure you’ll like it:

I found this short audiobook I think you can enjoy

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