And finally Friday came!!
There's something positive in this situation, it has helped me to realize how I like teaching and how I love being with you all. I miss you a lot, I miss having fun in our projects and learn from you, your ideas, and your questions. Everything will be back, we just have to wait and be positive, use your imagination more than ever before. Enjoy your time with your families and value everything we have.
Although lately the days are very similar to each other, it's time to put our imagination to work and try to do something different on the weekend. Let me know your ideas, I'll try to tell you mine.
Have a great weekend!! "See" you on Monday!
Before starting with the task, I would like you to take a look to your mates work. Today it's time for famous Roman people:
- AUGUSTUS _ Joel 4ºB
- Write in your diary the most memorable things you this along the week (in this link: 4ºB_carpeta Drive you just have to go to your folder and continue writing in the document "DEAR DIARY"), minimum 90 words. Don't forget to write the date.
In Japan, the crane is a mystical creature and is believed to live for a thousand years. As a result, in the Japanese, Chinese and Korean culture, the crane represents good future and longevity. The Japanese refer to the crane as the “bird of happiness”.
Traditionally, it was believed that if someone folded 1000 origami cranes, one of her/his wishes would come true.
It has also become a symbol of hope and healing during challenging times. As a result, it has become popular to fold 100 cranes.

This strange situation that we all are living locked up at home, with many sick people, has reminded me of this Japanese tradition.
Please, watch this video and then make your own paper cranes and hang them on the window.I'm not asking you to make 1.000 cranes, but I do ask you to make some, at least one crane, and hang them on the window, maybe someone will bring luck and recover.
It is not easy to do, take your time and be patient, origami needs calm and patience. Here you have some videos where they explain you how to make a crane. Use the most helpful one.
- Let’s create games!!I found a website where I can create games for you (as the crossword I created about Ancient history. Do you know the game “Pasapalabra”, in English is known as “The Alphabet Game”.If you send me document with words and their definitions (in English of course) I’ll create the game for all your mates: CROSSWORDS, THE ALPHABET GAME, ALPHABET SOUP.Send me a document with words and their definitions. Remember, if you what to prepare an Alphabet game, you need to think of words with all the letters of the alphabet.EXAMPLE:A_ APPLE: the fruit eaten by Eva in paradiseB_ BEAR: the animal who loves honeyC_ CARTHAGINIANS: ancient civilization settled in the Balearic IslandD_ …..
- Here you have my cranes (Simón says "Hello!" 👋😊)
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